Text of "Student Registration" with clipboard with paper list and yellow pencil

We are so excited to welcome families back to school!  

We want to make sure that we are reminding all families of some requirements for the start of school.  All families are required to fill out required registration paperwork very year.  This includes:  the McKinney-Vento Homelessness Survey, Indiana Department of Education Work Survey, NWILCS FERPA form, and the Federal Textbook Reimbursement/Free and Reduced Lunch form.  All families are also required to make sure that the school has the following mandatory documents on file:  Birth Certificate, Immunization Record, Parent ID, and Proof of residency (2 are required, but 1 may be the parent ID IF the parent ID is in the address where the student is registering.)

If you are unsure if we need these items from you, please contact your school's family coordinator as soon as possible.  No student will be allowed to utilize bus transportation until all student registration information is completed and on file with the family coordinator.

The family coordinators are as follows:

        East Chicago (K-8):  Alejandra Pena:  alejandra.pena@nwilcs.org or 219-378-7450

        Gary Primary Campus (K-3):  Tinika Hubbard: tinika.hubbard@nwilcs.org or 219-884-2407

         Gary Upper Campus (4-8):  Jessica Thomas: jessica.thomas@nwilcs.org or 219-880-1762

         Gary College Prep Campus (9-12):  Rosa Agredano:  rosa.agredano@nwilcs.org or 219-977-9583