NWILCS Bus Registrations for the 24-25 school year have been sent out this morning to all families via Bright Arrow to the email that we have on file for your scholar. If you have not received the bus registration information for the upcoming school year and need to register your scholar for the bus, please call or stop into your campus' office between 8am-12pm, Monday through Friday throughout the summer. Remember, bussing is on a first come, first served basis and you must register EACH of your scholars EACH year for bus services. I am attaching the link for each campus bus registration below.
Phone numbers for the campus offices are as follows:
Gary Primary (K-3): 219-884-2407
Gary Upper (4-8): 219-880-1762
Gary CPC (9-12): 219-977-9583
EC (K-8): 219-378-7450
Links for each campus' Bus Registration: