colors of tan, purple, orange, blue accents the background with white and purple writing, displaying a child and books
Calendar image with text "Calendar Update"
multi-color people,  , light blue background with white word, orange background with white letters
Different Colored pencils on the left with text stating "Parent/Teacher Conferences" in red on the right
Books stacked with pencils on top and colorful paperclips with a cup filled with school supplies next to text in black stating 2023-2024 School Calendar
Sun shining with thermometer showing temperatures at 100 degrees.  Thermometer has Celsius side with 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 degree markings and Fahrenheit side with 60, 80, 100, 120 degree markings.markings
Flyer titled NWILCS Uniform Guidelines with pictures with green check marks and pictures with red X's including a green check mark with the text NWILCS shirt, navy or khaki pants and  a red X with the text black pants, sweatpants, leggings, crocs, open-toed shoes
Text saying "CPR Training" with red EKG line and Red heart
Burgundy and Blue background with children of various ethinicty
Dark blue, with a hint of white and turquoise background, pictures of books, trophy, globe, graduation hat.
Clipboard with paper showing check marks and a pencil with text "Registration Information"
Colored Pencils on top and bottom with text "Kindergarten Round Up" in between
Seven different professionals dressed in their professional attire with text "Career Day" in yellow under the 7 people
White background with blue images and a black camera, with a  blue anchor.
Can of Colored pencils on left with a few colorful thumbtacks next to it. No School in light blue text on black background