Dear NWILCS Families,
Due to the anticipated frigid weather on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, we will be CLOSED for school at all buildings.
Please stay warm and safe during this extremely cold weather!
Familias de NWILCS,
Debido al clima gélido previsto para el martes 18 de febrero de 2025, estaremos CERRADOS para la escuela en todos los edificios.
Manténgase abrigado y seguro durante este clima extremadamente frío.

Dear NWILCS Families,
Due to the anticipated cold weather on Tuesday, we are proactively cancelling all afterschool programs. Please continue to check the website and other forms of communication from your scholars campus regarding school being closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. As for now, school is in session on Tuesday.
Familias de NWILCS,
Debido al clima frío previsto para el martes, cancelaremos proactivamente todos los programas extracurriculares. Continúe revisando el sitio web y otras formas de comunicación del campus de sus estudiantes sobre el cierre de la escuela el martes, el 21 de enero, 2025. Por ahora, la escuela está en sesión el martes.

Friday, January 10, 2025
RE: PowerSchool - Student/Family Communication
Dear NWILCS Family,
We are writing to make you aware of a recent cybersecurity incident involving PowerSchool, a software vendor which provides NWILCS’s Student Information System (SIS).
On Tuesday, January 7, 2025, PowerSchool informed NWILCS’s leadership team that it experienced a cybersecurity incident involving unauthorized access to certain PowerSchool SIS customer data. Since that time, we have been working diligently to obtain a more complete picture of the scope of the breach and the impact on our stakeholders. Unfortunately, PowerSchool has confirmed that the information belongs to some of our NWILCS’s families and educators.
PowerSchool informed us that the compromised data primarily includes parent and student contact information with data elements such as name and address information. Across its customer base, PowerSchool has determined that for a portion of individuals, some personally identifiable information (PII), such as social security numbers (SSN) and medical information, was impacted. PowerSchool is working with urgency to complete its investigation and determine whether PII belonging to our students was included in the compromised data.
Protecting the students, families, and staff who comprise our NWILCS community is of paramount importance to us. We are working with PowerSchool to ensure that more information and resources (including credit monitoring or identity protection services if applicable) are made available to you as soon as possible. We are also working to assess what additional long-term actions, if any, are necessary.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Northwest Indiana Lighthouse Charter School
viernes, 10 de enero de 2025
RE: PowerSchool - Comunicación entre estudiantes y familias
Querida familia de NWILCS,
Le escribimos para informarle sobre un incidente reciente de ciberseguridad que involucra a PowerSchool, un proveedor de software que proporciona el Sistema de información estudiantil (SIS) de NWILCS.
El martes 7 de enero de 2025, PowerSchool informó al equipo de liderazgo de NWILCS que experimentó un incidente de ciberseguridad que involucraba acceso no autorizado a ciertos datos de clientes de PowerSchool SIS. Desde entonces, hemos estado trabajando diligentemente para obtener una imagen más completa del alcance de la infracción y el impacto en nuestras partes interesadas. Desafortunadamente, PowerSchool ha confirmado que la información pertenece a algunas de nuestras familias y personal de NWILCS.
PowerSchool nos informó que los datos comprometidos incluyen principalmente información de contacto de padres y estudiantes con elementos de datos como nombre y dirección. En toda su base de clientes, PowerSchool ha determinado que, para una parte de las personas, cierta información de identificación personal (PII), como los números de seguro social (SSN) y la información médica, se vio afectada. PowerSchool está trabajando con urgencia para completar su investigación y determinar si la PII perteneciente a nuestros estudiantes se incluyó en los datos comprometidos.
Proteger a los estudiantes, las familias y el personal que componen nuestra comunidad NWILCS es de suma importancia para nosotros. Estamos trabajando con PowerSchool para garantizar que más información y recursos (incluidos servicios de monitoreo de crédito o protección de identidad, si corresponde) estén disponibles para usted lo antes posible. También estamos trabajando para evaluar qué acciones adicionales a largo plazo, si las hubiera, son necesarias.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.
Northwest Indiana Lighthouse Charter School

Please see this important notification:
Friday, January 10, 2025
RE: PowerSchool - Student/Family Communication
Dear NWILCS Family,
We are writing to make you aware of a recent cybersecurity incident involving PowerSchool, a software vendor which provides NWILCS’s Student Information System (SIS).
On Tuesday, January 7, 2025, PowerSchool informed NWILCS’s leadership team that it experienced a cybersecurity incident involving unauthorized access to certain PowerSchool SIS customer data. Since that time, we have been working diligently to obtain a more complete picture of the scope of the breach and the impact on our stakeholders. Unfortunately, PowerSchool has confirmed that the information belongs to some of our NWILCS’s families and educators.
PowerSchool informed us that the compromised data primarily includes parent and student contact information with data elements such as name and address information. Across its customer base, PowerSchool has determined that for a portion of individuals, some personally identifiable information (PII), such as social security numbers (SSN) and medical information, was impacted. PowerSchool is working with urgency to complete its investigation and determine whether PII belonging to our students was included in the compromised data.
Protecting the students, families, and staff who comprise our NWILCS community is of paramount importance to us. We are working with PowerSchool to ensure that more information and resources (including credit monitoring or identity protection services if applicable) are made available to you as soon as possible. We are also working to assess what additional long-term actions, if any, are necessary.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Northwest Indiana Lighthouse Charter School

Join us for our Mobile Food Market tomorrow from 11am - 2pm.

Effective July 1, 2024, all Indiana schools will be required to participate in current legislation regarding the restriction of cell phones in our schools. This bill was signed by Indiana’s Governor, Eric Holcomb March 12th, 2024. The purpose of the restriction is to decrease distractions while increasing classroom engagement helping us to fulfill our promise of delivering a high quality education. Beginning the first day of school, Monday, August 12th, we will be fully enforcing the Governor’s order to strengthen our existing cell phone policy so that during the day, our campuses are phone-free and academically focused.
Please see the full policy here: https://5il.co/2qrem

ATTENTION: Due to heavy rain and thunderstorms in our area, we are moving all activities inside for our events today, at our College Prep Campus and East Chicago Lighthouse Campus.
We will reschedule our outdoor fun activities including water slides and bounce houses to a later day!
So come out today to learn more about our school, enjoy some good food and indoor activities.
See you all soon! And SPREAD THE WORD.

NWILCS Bus Registrations for the 24-25 school year have been sent out this morning to all families via Bright Arrow to the email that we have on file for your scholar. If you have not received the bus registration information for the upcoming school year and need to register your scholar for the bus, please call or stop into your campus' office between 8am-12pm, Monday through Friday throughout the summer. Remember, bussing is on a first come, first served basis and you must register EACH of your scholars EACH year for bus services.
Phone numbers for the campus offices are as follows:
Gary Primary (K-3): 219-884-2407
Gary Upper (4-8): 219-880-1762
Gary CPC (9-12): 219-977-9583
EC (K-8): 219-378-7450

Join us for our FREE Summer Kick-Off event at East Chicago!

NWILCS is happy to announce a few June 2024 re-registration and enrollment events.
Each building has an enrollment event planned for June:
June 18, Primary Ice Cream Social, 1-4pm
June 25, EC Summer Kick-Off , 10am-2pm
June 25, CPC Summer Splash, 1-4pm
June 27, Upper Enrollment and Registration Event, 10am-12pm & 2-4pm
If you have any questions, please contact your campus's office any day, Monday-Friday.

Any 8th grade families who are re-registering as incoming 9th graders at CPC, come see us for our Summer Splash Event on Tuesday, June 25th from 1pm-4pm for a day of fun in the sun, water slides, bounce houses, music, food and giveaways! Contact Mrs. Rosa in the CPC office for additional information at 219-977-9583.

We are very excited to announce several registration events in June at our different buildings:
Primary: June 18, Ice Cream Social, 1-4pm in the Cafeteria & Lawn;
Upper: June 27, Re-registration and new enrollment event, 10am-12pm & 2pm-4pm in the MPR;
CPC: June 25, Summer Splash, 1pm-4pm in the CPC Parking Lot & Cafeteria;
EC: June 25, Summer Kick-Off, 10am-2pm in the EC Parking Lot and School Foyer.
If you would like additional information about these events, please contact your campus's main office. We will also be sharing additional information as it becomes available!

With this school year coming to a close, please be sure to check in with your school office and/or family coordinator to ensure you have filled out your registration for next school year in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. If you have any trouble or question, please email registrar@nwilcs.org.

Registration for New and Returning Students for the 2024-2025 School Year is now open! Everyone should have received an email with a registration link today. If not please visit nwilighthouse.powerschool.com
This process is done every school year and is different from Intent to Return which we just completed. This school year we will require all parents to submit a copy of their id and proof of address whether one was submitted previously or not. This process is done through PowerSchool only. If you do not have access or need help with accessing your account please email Ms. Lopez at syrita.lopez@nwilcs.org
For the required documents you will have the option to upload a clear/legible picture to your registration digitally or you can stop by the main office and we will make copies for you.
Lunch forms, Bus contracts, and Handbook Acknowledgements will not be available until Orientation.
¡La inscripción para estudiantes nuevos y los que están regresando para el año escolar 2024-2025 ya está abierta! Todos deberían haber recibido un correo electrónico con un enlace de registro hoy. Si no lo recibiste, visita nwilighthouse.powerschool.com
Este proceso se realiza cada año escolar y es diferente del Intento de Regreso que acabamos de completar. Este año escolar exigimos que todos los padres presenten una copia de su identificación y comprobante de domicilio, ya sea que lo hayan presentado anteriormente o no. Este proceso se realiza únicamente a través de PowerSchool. Si no tienes acceso o necesita ayuda para acceder a su cuenta, envíe un correo electrónico a la Sra. López a syrita.lopez@nwilcs.org
Para los documentos requeridos, tendrá la opción de cargar una imagen clara/legible en su registro digitalmente o puede pasar por la oficina principal y le haremos copias.
Los formularios de almuerzo, contratos de autobús y reconocimiento de recibo del manual no estarán disponibles hasta la orientación.

HAPPY STAFF APPRECIATION WEEK —— to our extraordinary team! Each day, you turn classrooms, offices, and even those brief hallway moments into opportunities for learning, support, and growth.
Thanks for your endless energy and dedication that’s stronger than a student’s plea for extra credit.
Here’s to all of you—the teachers, administrators, counselors, and support staff—who inspire not just the leaders of tomorrow, but shape them today. 🌟

Greetings Northwest Indiana Families,
Please take a moment to re-register your scholar(s) to secure your seat for SY2425. Potential families, please apply today to receive a seat at one of our campuses! Our dedicated staff, dynamic leaders, and great programming are waiting for you!!!

Greetings Northwest Indiana Lighthouse Families,
We are currently enrolling and re-enrolling. Please take a moment to apply or re-register your scholar. If you need assistance, please contact your campuses front office staff. We look forward to all of our new scholars and returning families in school year 2024-2025!

Help your child's class win a pizza party! Fill out the Intent to Return by this Friday 3/15 and the first class that has all scholar's completed will be rewarded with a pizza party!
Log into PowerSchool at nwilighthouse.powerschool.com or scan the QR Code on the flyer and fill out a short Google form.
***Please note: By filling out the Google form you are giving Ms. Lopez, in her capacity as Family Coordinator authorization to input my response(s) into the official Intent to Return form in PowerSchool on your behalf.
As always, if you need help retrieving or resetting your login information to PowerSchool please email Ms. Lopez at syrita.lopez@nwilcs.org or Ms. Gomez at alondra.gomez@nwilcs.org
¡Ayude a la clase de su hijo a ganar una fiesta de pizza! Complete la Intención de regresar antes de este viernes 15 de marzo y la primera clase que haya completado todos los estudiantes será recompensada con una fiesta de pizza.
Inicie sesión en PowerSchool en nwilighthouse.powerschool.com o escanee el código QR en el folleto y complete un breve formulario de Google.
*** Tenga en cuenta: al completar el formulario de Google, le está dando a la Sra. López, en su posición como Coordinadora familiar, autorización para ingresar mi(s) respuesta(s) en el formulario oficial de Intención de regresar en PowerSchool en su nombre.
Como siempre, si necesita ayuda para recuperar o restablecer su información de inicio de sesión en PowerSchool, envíe un correo electrónico a la Sra. López a syrita.lopez@nwilcs.org o a la Sra. Gómez a alondra.gomez@nwilcs.org

January 17, 2024
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
This morning, we became aware that there was a weapon discharged in the boys bathroom of our Gary Lighthouse College Prep Campus. We are currently on a hard lockdown and police are assisting us in searching the building. We performed checks on lockers, bookbags and body checks on all of the scholars. During the search, we did uncover a weapon. The scholars were identified, the parents were contacted, and the proper authorities were made aware of the actions. It is standard practice that if incidents of this magnitude occur, the police department will support the school in these situations and will provide instructions for us to follow. No one from our school community was injured or harmed and we have no belief that any of our scholars are in danger.
School safety is of the utmost importance, so we wanted to outline critical details from our safety plan at NWILCS - College Prep that are in action so you are aware:
● College Prep has additional staff members monitoring the inside and outside for safety throughout the school day.
● The extra doors to the building have alarms on them so we know when someone has entered or left the building due to the alarm sounding.
● No visitors are allowed inside the building without an appointment. Anyone needing to discuss matters with the Front Office will not be permitted past the vestibule.
● Interior doors to the school are secure, not allowing access to the building.
● All doors to the building open for arrival and dismissal have school personnel posted so unauthorized people cannot enter the building.
We ask that moving forward; you also check your scholar's book bag before they leave for school, in conjunction with our bag checks. We also ask that you continue to speak with your scholar around appropriate social media usage. Please continue to reinforce with your scholars that they report to an adult if they hear or see something that could potentially cause harm to our school community. Our scholars usually do well with reporting things, but we appreciate the added support as we work together to keep everyone in our school community as safe as possible. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Thank you,
Jessica Beasley
Executive Director/Superintendent
Northwest Indiana Lighthouse Charter Schools
(219) 501-1881 | nwilcs.org
17 de enero de 2024
Estimados padres/tutores:
Esta mañana nos enteramos de que había un arma descargada en el baño de niños. Actualmente estamos bajo estricto bloqueo y la policía nos está ayudando a registrar el edificio. Realizamos controles en los casilleros, mochilas y controles corporales de todos los estudiantes. Durante la búsqueda, descubrimos un arma. Se identificó a los estudiantes, se contactó a los padres y se puso en conocimiento de las acciones a las autoridades correspondientes. Es una práctica estándar que si ocurren incidentes de esta magnitud, el departamento de policía apoyará a la escuela en estas situaciones y nos brindará instrucciones a seguir. Nadie de nuestra comunidad escolar resultó herido o lastimado y no creemos que ninguno de nuestros estudiantes esté en peligro.
La seguridad escolar es de suma importancia, por lo que queríamos resumir los detalles críticos de nuestro plan de seguridad en NWILCS - College Prep que están en acción para que usted esté al tanto:
● College Prep cuenta con personal adicional que supervisa el interior y el exterior para garantizar la seguridad durante la jornada escolar.
● Las puertas adicionales del edificio tienen alarmas para que sepamos cuando alguien ha entrado o salido del edificio debido al sonido de la alarma.
● No se permiten visitas dentro del edificio sin cita previa. Cualquier persona que necesite discutir asuntos con la oficina principal no podrá pasar por el vestíbulo.
● Las puertas interiores de la escuela son seguras y no permiten el acceso al edificio.
● Todas las puertas del edificio abiertas para la llegada y salida tienen personal escolar colocado para que personas no autorizadas no puedan ingresar al edificio.
Le pedimos que revise la mochila de su estudiante antes de que se vaya a la escuela, junto con nuestros controles de mochila. También le pedimos que continúe hablando con su estudiante sobre el uso apropiado de las redes sociales. Continúe reforzando con sus alumnos que informen a un adulto si escuchan o ven algo que podría causar daño a nuestra comunidad escolar. A nuestros estudiantes generalmente les va bien al informar cosas, pero apreciamos el apoyo adicional mientras trabajamos juntos para mantener a todos en nuestra comunidad escolar lo más seguros posible. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en comunicarse.
Jessica Beasley
Directora Ejecutivo/Superintendente
Northwest Indiana Lighthouse Charter Schools
(219) 501-1881 | nwilcs.org

The following buses will not be running today, Wednesday, January 17, 2024:
CPC Bus 1/2, CPC Bus 7, Upper Bus 5, EC Bus 2, and EC Bus 3. If you are able to make arrangements to get your child to school, please do so. If you are unable to get your child to school today, the child will be excused, just notify your campus' school office. We are sorry for any inconvenience.