Good Morning EC Families, *REMINDER* Scholars are expected to be in full uniform on Fridays. Be advised, students who are not in uniform will be sent home for the day or requested to change clothes and return to school. Please reach out to the main office for additional information. --- Padres EC, Se espera que los estudiantes estén en uniforme completo los viernes. Tenga en cuenta que los estudiantes que no estén en uniforme serán enviados a casa por el día o se les pedirá que se cambien de ropa y regresen a la escuela. Comuníquese con la oficina principal para obtener información adicional.
over 2 years ago, Alejandra Pena
Good Morning Families! Happy Hump day, Hope you are having a great morning! There will be a food drive today in Gary feel share to help families in need.
over 2 years ago, Alejandra Pena
There will be a MINI "Drive-Thru Only" Mobile Market food distribution on Wednesday, October 5, 1p at Veterans Life Changing Services, 501 W Ridge Rd, Gary
School uniforms are required for all campuses. Please contact your scholar's school for additional information.
over 2 years ago, NWILCS
This is a reminder to all of our NWILCS families that the first day of school is just around the corner on Tuesday, August 9th! We can't wait to see you back on our campuses!
over 2 years ago, NWILCS
We are excited to welcome all staff back to our school campuses on Monday, August 1st, 2022!
over 2 years ago, NWILCS